Whole-house generators are an essential backup for homeowners, offering peace of mind during power outages. However, like any other piece of equipment, they don’t last forever. If you’re wondering how long your whole-house generator in Amherst, NY can serve you, we’ll explain the typical lifespan and help you understand when it’s time to start thinking about a replacement. As an electrical contractor at Scherer Electric, we’ve worked with many homeowners and know how important it is to plan ahead to ensure your generator is reliable when you need it most.
Scherer Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Generator Repair’
How Long Can I Expect My Whole-House Generator to Last?
Monday, November 4th, 2024Some Common Generator Problems You May Encounter
Monday, December 5th, 2022One of the best ways to have a happy, relaxing, and low-stress holiday season is to know that you have a whole-house generator that’s ready to go to work if the power goes out. An extended power loss during the winter does a lot more than shut off the holiday lights: it will result in spoiled food, cold discomfort, and even life-threatening situations for anyone who uses powered medical equipment.
The best way to ensure you have a reliable generator is to schedule routine maintenance for it. This will help prevent most potential malfunctions. Even with the best maintenance, you may still encounter a need for our technicians to come out and provide generator repair in Depew, NY. In this post, we’ll look at several of the more common generator troubles we fix.
When Should I Replace My Whole-House Generator?
Monday, October 10th, 2022
A whole-house generator can be a literal life-saver for a home during an extended power outage. If you have a whole-house generator, you want to know that you can trust it to work when necessary.
Since no mechanical device can last forever, you might wonder when you’ll need to have your older generator replaced. This is tricky because you don’t use the generator often—in fact, you hope you don’t have to use it at all—and so it’s difficult to determine when it’s declining.
We’ll look into the question of when to replace a whole-house generator, and when it’s better to arrange for generator repair in Clarence, NY with our electricians.
6 Signs Your Whole-House Generator Needs Repairs
Monday, May 23rd, 2022
We strongly advise our customers to install a whole-house generator to protect their homes in case of extended blackouts. When one of these generators receives the proper care, it can defend a home from long-term power losses for years and provide peace of mind even when the generator isn’t in use.
You may need to schedule generator repair in Buffalo, NY at some point to ensure your whole-house generator is ready to work when you need it. This presents a bit of a dilemma: you don’t run your generator often, so how can you tell when it needs repairs?