Scherer Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Buffalo’

What Are the Benefits of a Variable Frequency Drive for a Business?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

You may have heard about variable frequency drives (VFDs) before, but not understood what they do or what benefits they may offer to your business.

We hope to change this with some helpful information. VFDs are becoming more and more common in commercial and industrial use because of their benefits, which include higher energy efficiency, fewer breakdowns, longer system life, and lower environmental impact.

But let’s start at the beginning and answer your first question…

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Don’t Try to Install Your Own Spa Electrical System!

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Having a spa or hot tub for your house is a wonderful luxury: you can enjoy the refreshing quality of a pool without all the space that a pool requires, and few sensations are more relaxing than soaking in the water of a hot tub at the end of the day.

Hot tubs are also great for socializing and they can significantly increase the value of a home.

Can you install a spa on your own? Well, we don’t recommend trying it. It’s a lot more complicated than buying a hot tub and plugging it in.

You have to consider the deck, the support, the plumbing connection, the massive weight, the chemicals … there’s far too much to it.

Furthermore, hot tubs and spas have local code and safety requirements they have to meet, and it takes professionals to ensure that your new hot tub meets these codes.

And, above all, you can’t install your own electrical system for your spa!

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Ways to Tell You Need Commercial or Industrial Wiring Upgrades

Monday, November 7th, 2022

It’s hard to imagine there’s any commercial or industrial business that operates without electricity. The electrical demands for most facilities are enormous, and interruptions with the electrical system will usually bring operations to an abrupt halt and result in costly downtime.

You can’t avoid all electrical problems in your business, but if you have damaged or old wiring, you’ll suffer a larger amount of problems and even safety issues. Scherer Electric offers commercial and industrial electric service in Buffalo, NY to upgrade and rewire facilities to meet contemporary demands. 

Below are some of the signs you may notice that will warn you it’s time to call us for upgrades to your commercial/industrial electrical system.

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Looking Closer Into Circuit Breakers

Monday, September 26th, 2022

One of the most important jobs we do for our many customers is replacing indoor electrical panels in Buffalo, NY and throughout Western New York. Too many homes have outdated electrical panels, or even ones that were never safe in the first place. There are also older homes in the area that still use fuse boxes rather than a circuit breaker panel. We also handle replacing electrical panels that have sustained damage and are no longer reliable or safe.

Today we want to look in more depth at the circuit breakers in your electrical panels. Please note that this isn’t a DIY guide: you shouldn’t attempt to repair or replace any circuit breaker yourself, as this can create major hazards. Always trust licensed professionals like us. We’re offering this information to help you understand circuit breaker problems and when you’ll need to call for assistance.

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What to Do in a Power Outage

Monday, September 12th, 2022

We often talk about the importance of installing whole-house generators. There’s no better way to avoid the serious problems of an extended loss of power to your home than having a permanent backup generator to take over. With enough fuel (easy if your generator runs on natural gas), you can make it through many days without trouble keeping your family safe, your HVAC system running, your refrigerator working, and any vital medical equipment powered. 

But you may not have a generator (at least, not yet), and we have some recommendations on what to do in case your home suffers from an extended power outage.

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Get the Most Use From Ceiling Fans in the Heat

Monday, August 1st, 2022

We know that using a fan can’t work as effectively at cooling as a modern air conditioning system, but they still can help—especially if the fan is a well-installed ceiling fan.

Ceiling fans not only blow air around, but they also create better circulation of air throughout a large space. This isn’t something you’ll get from a floor fan or desk fan. Ceiling fans also have the benefit of not taking up any floor or desk space and having an attractive look that becomes part of a room’s decor. 

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Why Your Circuit Breakers Might Keep Tripping

Monday, June 6th, 2022

If you’re like many homeowners, you may not realize just how important circuit breakers in Buffalo, NY are to the safety and efficacy of your entire electrical system. Your circuit breaker panel, also known as an electrical panel, protects your wiring and electrical components from power surges and other wiring issues that could lead to blackouts, electrocution, or even fire.

Circuit breakers are not immune to damage themselves though, and when they’re frequently tripping, it’s a sign of an issue that needs to be repaired. Read on as we uncover what might be happening when your circuit breakers keep tripping.

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6 Signs Your Whole-House Generator Needs Repairs

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

We strongly advise our customers to install a whole-house generator to protect their homes in case of extended blackouts. When one of these generators receives the proper care, it can defend a home from long-term power losses for years and provide peace of mind even when the generator isn’t in use.

You may need to schedule generator repair in Buffalo, NY at some point to ensure your whole-house generator is ready to work when you need it. This presents a bit of a dilemma: you don’t run your generator often, so how can you tell when it needs repairs?

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Top 5 Reasons to Install a Backup Generator

Monday, April 25th, 2022

We encourage many of our customers in Western New York to invest in backup generators for their homes. Power outages are becoming more common, and full blackouts—which may last for several days—are not only inconvenient for homes, they can be dangerous as well. Homes are at the highest risk of losing power during storms and heatwaves, the periods when you most want to have reliable electrical power moving through your house. 

If you want more convincing about why a backup generator in Buffalo, NY is a wise idea, below we’ve listed the best five reasons to call us about arranging for this service. We’ll see you have the right generator for your specific needs and we’ll have it installed and ready to go to work in only a short time.

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Do You Have an Old Fuse Box? Here’s Why You Need to Upgrade!

Monday, March 28th, 2022

The fuse box or fuse panel was standard in homes for many decades. The fuses separated the different circuits for the house, and in case of a voltage overload, a fuse would burn out and cut off the electrical flow to its circuit. 

However, the fuse box is out of date—and has been for some time. Electrical panels that use circuit breakers have replaced them. Circuit breakers trip due to voltage spikes rather than burn out, and they can be reset afterward rather than having to put in a new fuse. 

If your home still has a fuse box, you might think that it isn’t that major of a problem and you can get by with the occasional inconvenience. We don’t recommend this course, for several reasons. We’ll explain why scheduling a professional fuse box replacement in Buffalo, NY is the best choice for your home—and one to have done as soon as you can.

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